Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am having days where I am overwhelmed with love. I know, kinda cheesy, but it is true. I've been thinking a lot about life lately, and I have come to the conclusion that I am (should I dare risk jinxing it?) happy. Seriously happy. Not just content, not just okay, but really genuinely happy. I know why. I am surrounded by things I love. I laugh every day. I have an amazing husband that supports my desire to work less, play more, and he likes to join me. I have a little boy that fills my life with complete joy.

Things that I am loving right now...

Silly boys in silly shoes.
All things boy. Cars, trains, dinosaurs, frogs...they are everywhere! Love it!
Starting family traditions, adding to Logan's list of "firsts", and creating new memories.

Perfect morning light.

Good friends
 Messy bedrooms and empty toy boxes
Piles of laundry with a Logan on top
 Daddy work days
Logan's new favorite game, throwing himself off the recliner and falling. He laughs hysterically every time. He jumps up, claps and runs to do it again. I laugh with a knot in my stomach (afraid he might actually hurt himself), but I don't have the heart to stop him.

The many faces of Logan

 I am loving being a mom. Snuggles from this boy are the best!
 So, what are you loving lately? Do tell...


  1. I can feel your happiness and love coming through the words and out of the pictures...and yeah, Vernon's photos are amazing...only a few perks? You're a lucky lady to have beautiful professional documentation of life's precious moments...Wow.

  2. I'm lovin' my mommy friends who make me so beyond excited to start a family, i can hardly contain myself! xoxox
